2015 - Present
Full Professor (2021-Present)
Associate Professor (2015-2021)
Director of the Retail Management (2017-2022)
Associate Dean: Engagement & Inclusion (2022-Present )
Chancellor’s Award of Distinction [2022]
Outstanding Graduate Education Award [2020]
Dean’s SRC (Research) Award [2018]
Provost's Academic Leadership Fellow [2017]
TRSM Research Recognition Award [2017]
2022- Present
Marketing Education Review Journal
Guiding Voice in Marketing Education Scholarship:
Marketing Education Review (MER) is a scholarly journal focused on research and scholarship in marketing education. Its mandate includes publishing high-quality research, promoting excellence in teaching, fostering dialogue and collaboration, and enhancing curriculum development. MER aims to advance the field of marketing education by facilitating the exchange of ideas and promoting innovative practices.

Assistant Professor
Dean’s Scholar (Research) -2012, 2013, 2014
Alumni Association Best Teacher Award (University) -2013
CSU Alpha Delta Chi Excellence in Teaching (2013)
CSU Gamma Phi Beta Excellence in Teaching (2013)
CSU Beta Gamm Sigma Most Influential Professor (2013)